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Volume 12 Issue 1
Financial security We spoke with a few agricultural landowners who were retired and are no longer farming. They had tried to sell their land but were unable to do so during the recession, and instead opted to put a conservation easement on some of their ...
Rural Residential
Reduce maintenance time Rural residential landowners mentioned that they were spending a lot of time and energy maintaining their streamside property through removal of log jams and vegetation from in and around their stream, and mowing in and around stre ...
The suburban landowners we interviewed faced unique problems such as trying to maintain an attractive lawn while also protecting the environment. They enjoyed recreating in and around the stream and watching wildlife. Some of their objectives included red ...
Past Events
Volume 11 Issue 5
Volume 11 Issue 4
Ohio Watersheds Mailing List
There is a wealth of knowledge and experience in Ohio on water resource protection and creating sustainable watershed partnerships. The "ohwatersheds" list serves as a forum for sharing information and ideas between watershed partnership leaders ...
Volume 11 Issue 3
Volume 11 Issue 2