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  1. Level I Food Safety Training

    Registration and Information ...

  2. Snider to complete internship with The Fatted Calf

    Carley Snider, of Moscow, will complete an internship this summer with The Fatted Calf in Magdalena, Mexico. During the internship, Snider will work with children ages 6-18 at Casa Vida y Esperanza, a children’s home, in Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico. She wil ...

  3. Johnson completes internship with CFAES Advancement Office

    Sarah Johnson, of Williamsport, completed an internship with the Advancement Office for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at the Ohio State University during the 2015-2016 academic year. During the internship, Johnson worked wi ...

  4. Lucas County- Canning Basics

    Basics of home canning: water bath or pressure canning? Overview of food safety, the science of home canning and updated resources to help the home canner create a safe product. (this same presentation will also be offered at 1:00pm) ...

  5. Lucas County- Canning Basics

    Basics of home canning: water bath or pressure canning? Overview of food safety, the science of home canning and updated resources to help the home canner create a safe product. (this same presentation will be offered at 7:00pm) ...

  6. New Law Increases Access to Ohio Small Claims Court

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Local Foods Week

    From Adams to Wayne County, join thousands of Ohioans from across the state in a celebration of local foods, August 7-13, 2016. Ohio State University Extension educators are working with communities to showcase their local food producers through special e ...

  8. Office Closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day

    The office will open at 8:30 am on Tuesday January 19th. ...

  9. We Need Your Help!

    Ohio State University Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences, is conducting an anonymous survey to learn more about your choices of fruits and vegetables and where you buy them. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and your answers will help ...

  10. Can We Empower Children?

    Building fun in nutrition education can help kids understand the importance of making better food choices. The July-August issue of the Ohio State University Alumni magazine explores hunger issues in Ohio and throughout the United States. One program maki ...
