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  1. Licking County- Peach Cooking Demonstrations and Food Preservation


  2. Licking County- Canning Basics


  3. Licking County- Pressure Canner Testing and Resources


  4. Licking County- Canning Basics


  5. Garden Art Sale

    Whimsical items to accent your garden! Join the OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers for a sale of the unusual and whimsical for your garden! Handmade hypertufa pots, concrete accents for your garden, whimsical and colorful items will highlight the se ...

  6. Pollinators Workshop and Certification

    Are you Gardening (and Farming) for Pollinators? Everyone plays a vital role in the development and conservation of habitat that benefits pollinators, including bees, birds and butterflies. This session will focus on the practical steps gardeners and urba ...

  7. Ohio Creates New "Farm Winery" Liquor Permit

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  8. Nutrient Management Field Day – Wood County

    The field day includes field demonstrations and research updates. The program meets the requirements to receive Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification in the state of Ohio. See flier for more information. ...

  9. Western ARS Nutrient Management Field Day

    The field day include field demonstrations and research updates. The program meets the requirements to receive Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification in the state of Ohio. See flier for more information. ...

  10. Tractor and Machinery Certification Train-the-Trainer In-Service

    Tractor and Machinery Certification classes continue to be requested by our Ohio residents and ag employers. The ONLY agencies eligible to certify youth are EXTENSION EDUCATORS and HIGH SCHOOL AG EDUCATION TEACHERS (per federal legislation). This in-servi ...
