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Ohio Beef School
Bill Tom, Executive Vice President, United Producers Changing industry demands for today's feeder calf and potential marketing options. Dr. Henry Zerby, Senior Director of Protein Innovation, Wendy's Supply Chain Cooperative requirements necess ...
Seven ACEL students named CFAES Outstanding Seniors
The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) has named the 2018 CFAES Oustanding Seniors, which includes seven students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership. ...
Congratulations to Our Outstanding Students!
2018 Director's Award Recipients Josiah Bale Eric Tanner 2018 Outstanding Students Kaci Ager Animal Sciences – Beef Courtney Baker Biochemical Sciences Madison Baker Biochemical Sciences Josiah Bale Greenhouse & Nursery Management Cordell Berge ...
2018 Celebration of Students
Please join us as we celebrate the achievements of our students! Monday, April 9 What: Giveaway items: hat, pencil pouch or sharpie marker BuckID required When: 10-2 pm, while supplies last Where: Skou Hall Lobby Tuesday, April 10 What: Therapy dogs &am ...
OSU Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class
An educational course that covers good agricultural practices or ‘GAPs’, which help reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Attending the OSU GAPs class does not equate to being ‘GAPs Certified.’ Topics Include: Water Quality, Worker Training, H ...
Workforce Development
Workforce Development A commitment to lifelong learning is critical to remaining relevant in one’s chosen field of work. The programs of OSU Extension not only help individuals acquire the skills they need in their current jobs, but those they will need i ...
NUEL North Central Regional Caucus
NUEL North Central Regional Caucus May 9-10, 2018 Marriott Grand St. Louis, MO Promotional Flier The NUEL North Central Regional Caucus is an interdisciplinary approach to build, resource and deliver multi-state, regional and national educational initiati ...
Successful Co-Parenting Class
Agunga awarded grant to improve agricultural extension in Pakistan
Dr. Robert Agunga, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership (ACEL) in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) has been awarded a grant for $455,239 from The National Academ ...
Livestock Mortality Composting Workshop
Become certified in Ohio to economically and environmentally use Livestock Mortality Composting for poultry, dairy, swine, beef cattle, and other livestock. Pre-register by calling 419-674-2297 or online at ...