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  1. Corn Replant Issues

    Localized ponding and protracted saturated soil conditions have adversely affected corn in many fields across Ohio. Heavy rains have also resulted in soil crusting which is contributing to reduced emergence. Producers confronted with poor stands due to th ...

  2. Scab Risk Continues to be Low, but Rain is in the Forecast

    For wheat flowering today, May 27, the risk of scab is low, according to the prediction took. Several fields across south-central Ohio reached anthesis over the weekend, and since conditions were fairly dry in most of those areas, the risk tool also predi ...

  3. Early Season Soybean Damage- Frost, PPO, or Disease?

    Spring 2014 has been quite challenging with wet soil and cold temperatures.  We’ve received several calls and e-mails regarding soybean seedling damage (from those who have actually been able to plant).  It appears that some soybean fields were hit with a ...

  4. Wheat Approaching Critical Heading and Flowering Growth Stages

    This week, wheat is heading or will begin to head in fields across Ohio, particularly in southern and early-planted fields. In fact, in some southern fields, the crop was at full head emergence (Feekes 10.5) at the end of last week (May 15-17) and will li ...

  5. Ponding and flooding impact corn

    Persistent rains last week further delayed corn planting. According to the USDA/NASS ( rainfall was highly variable across Ohio for the week ending May 18 with precipitation ranging between 0.81 and 4.37 inches, with the state av ...

  6. Pests to watch: Black cutworm, slugs, alfalfa weevil and cereal leaf beetle

    As we start to dry out in some parts of the state and come out of this cold spell, there will be insects and other pests out an about that will be hungry: Black cutworm:   Purdue University has reported a record flight of black cutworm (http://extension.e ...

  7. Trapped and Distorted Wheat Head

    Wheat is now beginning to head-out in some parts of the state, but the heading process this year seems a bit abnormal. There have been some reports of distorted wheat heads and heads trapped in the boot in some fields. However, in most of the affected fie ...

  8. Weather Update

    The weather pattern will trend closer to normal into early June. However, it still favors the risk of bursts of cool and damp weather in the eastern corn and soybean belt into summer as a results of this past winter and early spring.    The weather patter ...

  9. Forage Planting Dates

    In the Ohio Agronomy Guide, I recommend that forages be planted by the first of May. But isn’t this year different, because of the cold, late spring weather? After all, planting by early May has been a difficult task in much of Ohio this year, although we ...

  10. First Cutting of Forages

    While we've all been focused on getting planting done between the rains, our established forage crops have quietly been growing rapidly. I hate to say this, but first cutting of forages is just about upon us. Orchardgrass was just beginning to shoot ...
