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  1. Communiqué May 13, 2015

    Contents OSU Extension Innovative Grant Proposals – due by May 15 Conflict of Interest and Work Outside the University Ohio State Branded Clothing Order Reminder and Updates OSU Extension Annual Report Story Banners Available to Borrow Congratulations to ...

  2. Equine Pasture Management Workshop

    Producers can learn more about rotational grazing during a two-day Equine Pasture Management workshop on May 19 and 21. The workshop will feature presentations by Bob Hendershot, retired from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservati ...

  3. Equine Pasture Management Workshop

    Producers can learn more about rotational grazing during a two-day Equine Pasture Management workshop on May 19 and 21. The workshop will feature presentations by Bob Hendershot, retired from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservati ...

  4. Junior Leadership Meeting


  5. 4-H News and Notes- May 7, 2015

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Several important 4-H reminders and upcoming events are listed below.  Please click the headlines below for more information. ...

  6. 2015 Jr. Leaders Cookout and Fun Night at Barry's Barn

    Wayne County 4-H Junior Leaders Cookout & Fun Night @ Barry’s Barn Friday June 19, 2015 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Officers please come at 5:30 to help with set up! Barry’s Barn is located at 760 E. Hutton Rd. Wooster, OH 44691 Games Food Drinks Fun Campfire Mi ...

  7. 2015 Dairy Project Leasing Information

    Wayne County supports leasing of dairy heifers/cows for the purpose of teaching young people how to feed, fit, show and care for an animal.  HOWEVER, visiting a calf/cow once or twice in August so that a youth can exhibit/compete at the county fair IS NOT ...

  8. 2015 4-H / FFA Feeder Calf Leasing Information

    To exhibit a feeder calf at the fair, all 4-H and FFA members must turn in feeder calf ID forms by June 1 to the Extension office. The calf ID form can be found online at: Members leasing a calf must also follow the leasing guid ...

  9. 2015- Horse Trailer Available to 4-H Youth

    In 1962 Wallace Lytle made a horse trailer for his children.  This unique design was his idea.  He combined a milk truck chassis with a homemade trailer so that his family’s horses had a room with a view as they traveled. Mr. Lytle’s son Jim has restored ...

  10. 2015 4-H Self Determined Projects Jr. Fair Premium Information

    For all projects: Only one entry per member permitted in a class. This means that, Fair premium will be paid only once on a “365: Self-Determined Project,” regardless of how many different subject matter areas are explored. If, for example, a member compl ...
