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Search results

  1. Seminar, Timothy Frey, PhD student, Plant Pathology (C Taylor, advisor)

    Amino Acids in Root-Knot Nematode Chemotaxis and Infection. 121 Fisher 121 videolinked to 244 Kottman (Columbus) ...

  2. Building Blocks II Parenting Class

    The Building Blocks II Parenting Class is for parents who wish to develop better parenting skills or parenting techniques for children ages 7-13.  There will be 2 classes focusing on parent education and parent and child interaction ...

  3. 4-H Science Saturday- The Sustainable World Tour

    Ohio State's Bioproducts Innovaton Center (OBIC) is on the road at 4-H Science Saturdays! The Sustainable World tour will encourage participants to consider plant-based (biobased) alternatives and excite kids about future careers in sustainability. S ...

  4. Performance Management & Coaching Workshop

    As a manager or unit supervisor you have the important responsibility of guiding, directing, and managing the performance of individuals you supervise. This can be a daunting and sometimes challenging part of your role. This workshop focused on coaching a ...

  5. Erie Basin Volunteer Retreat

    The Erie Basin Volunteer retreat will give volunteers another opportunity to network with others from the 10 county EERA. A contintental breakfast and full lunch will be provided. Sessions taught by Extension professionals will feature many topics includi ...

  6. CARTEENS Conference

    CarTeens members are invited to attend the state conference in Columbus on Febuary 7th. Meet teens from other counties, bring home free stuff and ideas to use at your own CarTeens sessions. Call the Extension office to sign up. ...

  7. Ohio JCEP Meeting


  8. East Ohio Women In Agriculture Conference

    Register online with credit card at  or complete and send the attached registration form. ...

  9. Communiqué January 21, 2015

    Contents Budget Reminder – Guidelines Regarding Political Activity by Employees of the University OSU Extension Strategic Plan Update OSU Extension Listserv Update – Reminder Weather or Other Short-Term Closing Reminder Staff Career Development Grant Appl ...

  10. Seminar, Larry Madden, Department of Plant Pathology

    The Cost of Plant Disease Prediction. 121 Fisher (Wooster) videolinked to 244 Kottman (Columbus) ...
