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  1. Communiqué April 12, 2011

    OSU Extension Organizational Update-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension Colleagues, As you know, we are still awaiting more concrete information about the federal, state, and local budgets. There remain many unknowns this spring, including several it ...

  2. Communiqué March 4, 2011

    Voluntary Separation Incentive Program- Update After announcements of the separation incentive that was approved by the Board of Trustees in early February, we know several of you are very interested in and understand your eagerness to know the details. W ...

  3. Communiqué January 30, 2011

    WebEx Meeting Center and WebEx Event Center Reminders and Contacts A reminder…Extension now owns a WebEx Event Center license. Event Center is a WebEx product designed to facilitate the hosting of online sessions with a large number of attendees, such as ...

  4. Communiqué February 18, 2011

    Outlook on Organizational Challenges-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension I know we are going through a challenging period this spring – an extended time of “wait and see” with a lot of unknowns right now. A number of things are beyond our control at ...

  5. Communiqué January 10, 2011

    Director's Thoughts- A Call to Action (revisited) As we all know, this continues to be a time of tremendous change in the economy worldwide, our clients’ needs, stakeholders’ expectations about our services, and our own mode of operation. I remain co ...

  6. Communiqué September 12, 2012

    Clarify Expectations- Behavior #9 of High-Trust Leaders Keith Smith, associate vice president, Agricultural Administration and director, OSU Extension “Almost all conflict is a result of violated expectations.”-Blaine Lee, author of The Power Principle To ...

  7. Communiqué September 26, 2012

    Practice Accountability- Behavior #10 of High Trust Leaders-  guest writer Janine Yeske, 4-H youth development Extension educator, Jefferson County Steven Covey Sr. once wrote that you can't talk yourself out of a problem you've behaved yourself ...

  8. Communiqué October 12, 2012

    Contents 10 Inclusionist Behaviors in Leadership Action Needed: Nepotism and Conflict of Interest and Work Outside the University Policies New CFAES Dean Annual Conference Keynote Speaker to Hold a Breakout Sessoin Updated Field Specialist Brochure is Onl ...

  9. Communiqué November 7, 2012

    Contents 10 Inclusionist Behaviors in Leadership Annual Conference Early Bird Discount Ends November 9 Order Your Name Badge Bev Kelbaugh Resumes as Full-Time Regional Director PULSE Survey Extension Promotion Workshop Another RiV Update...Change in Timel ...

  10. Communiqué October 24, 2012

    <h3> <a name="Top of Page">Contents</a></h3> <ul> <li> <a href="#Listen First – Behavior # 11 of High-Trust Leaders">Listen&nbsp;First- Behavior #11 of High Trust Leaders</a></li&g ...
