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  1. Sheep & Goats

    VISIT THE SHEEP TEAM'S WEB SITE  When the sheep team newsletter first got started, it was housed on the Knox County Extension Office’s web site.  This, however, is no longer the case, and has not been for some time now.  Currently producers are encou ...

  2. Poultry Informational Meeting Regarding Avian Flu for Advisors, Members & Parents


  3. Rabbit/Cavy Advisors Meeting-MANDATORY

    At least one advisor from each rabbit & cavy club must attend the meeting. ...

  4. Communiqué May 27, 2015

    Contents Epsilon Sigma Phi Announces Karen Bruns as 2015 Ruby Award Recipient Two OSU Extension Teams win 2015 ESP Regional Awards Ohio Extension Supporter Receives National Friend of Extension Award from ESP VP Conversation on the Future of Extension – J ...

  5. "Buggy Ride" Bike Tour


  6. Pressure Canning Workshops


  7. Pressure Canning Workshops


  8. Jr. & Sr. Goat Council Meeting

    The Jr. Council meets at 6pm and the Sr. Council at 7pm. ...

  9. A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series

    This program is designed to introduce participants to the critters that inhabit the deep woods in southeastern Ohio and the distinctive sounds they make at night. The evening begins with a light meal at 6:30 p.m. and ends with s’mores, of course, at appro ...

  10. A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series

    This program is designed to introduce participants to the critters that inhabit the deep woods in southeastern Ohio and the distinctive sounds they make at night. The evening begins with a light meal at 6:30 p.m. and ends with s’mores, of course, at appro ...
