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  1. Poultry Judging Team

    Coach: Michael Cressman Poultry evaluation and selection processes are fundamental to understanding form and function and incorporating these concepts into identification of future breeding animals. Through poultry judging, students learn to assess confor ...

  2. 2014 Midwest Regional Dairy Challenge

    Ohio State students take part in the Midwest Dairy Challenge. ...

  3. Ockerman Named Distinguished UK Alumnus

    Dr. Herbert Ockerman was inducted into the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Hall of Distinguished Alumni. ...

  4. Alumnus Receives Bouffault International Award

    Alumnus and 2008 Ohio State Animal Science Hall of Fame inductee Dr. David Notter received the ASAS Bouffault International Award. ...

  5. Legal Liability for Food Products will be Topic at Two Ohio Small Farm Conferences

    On Saturday March 8, 2014, OSU Extension Agricultural & Resource Law Attorney, Peggy Hall, and Extension Educator, Emily Adams, will present at the Southwest Ohio Small Farm Conference in Wilmington, Ohio. They will present two sessions: "Setting ...

  6. PEDv Updates from National Pork Board

    The Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus continues to create issues and much industry discussion. ...

  7. Tax Techniques for Beginning Farmers Offered at Southwest Ohio Small Farm Conference

    OSU Extension's Larry Gearhardt will present at the 2014 Southwest Ohio Small Farm Conference on Saturday March 8, 2014. His session, "Tax Time Techniques for the Beginning Farmer," will start out by discussing the definition of "farme ...

  8. Recently Published / Presented

    Huff GR, Huff WE, Rath NC, Anthony NB, Nestor KE. 2015. Ascorbic acid differentially affects stress response and resistance to colibacillosis in turkeys from genetic lines differing in growth rate. Avian Dis 59(2):323-8. Lilburn MS and Loeffler S. 2015. E ...

  9. Ohio Supreme Court Resolves Grain Bin Taxation Issue

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. State Fair Begins

