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Search results

  1. OSUE Faculty Meeting

    OSU Extension faculty meetings will be convened at least once each semester, during the academic year to allow for discussion of issues pertinent to faculty of the department. This includes, but is not limited to, issues related to university, college and ...

  2. NEWS: Gage Smith Awarded Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad from the US Department of State

    Wooster, OH-- Gage Smith is one of over 250 American undergraduate students from 154 colleges and universities across the U.S. selected to receive the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bu ...

  3. On-Farm Fruit and Vegetable Safety InService

    Save the date for an in-service on GAPs guidelines and the FSMA fresh produce safety rule. More information available soon. Partially suported by the Ohio Department of Agriculture Specialty Crops Block Grant Program. ...

  4. Pruning Class

    The OSU Miami County Master Gardener program is offering a six week pruning class every  Wednesday from 1-3 pm starting February 22, 2017.  Class topics will include tree biology and how it relates to pruning, pruning equipment and care, techniques and pr ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Conference

    Designed to bring together 4-H volunteers and teens from across the State of Ohio. Come learn together and from each other in order to improve our abilities to deliver the Ohio 4-H Program to its members. Registration and more info at http://www.ohio4h.or ...

  6. Master Gardener Training Session 15

    $150 for 8 Week Course, Refreshments & Seminar – RSVP by February 16th for course Tree Selection & Care ...

  7. Master Gardener Training Session 12

    $150 for 8 Week Course, Refreshments & Seminar – RSVP by February 16th for course House Plants & Water Gardens ...

  8. Master Gardener Training Session 11

    $150 for 8 Week Course, Refreshments & Seminar – RSVP by February 16th for course Soil & Fertilizer ...

  9. Master Gardener Training Session 10

    $150 for 8 Week Course, Refreshments & Seminar – RSVP by February 16th for course Woody Ornamentals ...

  10. Master Gardener Training Session 8

    $150 for 8 Week Course, Refreshments & Seminar – RSVP by February 16th for course Herbaceous Ornamentals ...
