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Search results

  1. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  2. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  3. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  4. Older Youth Opportunities Applications Due

    Applications due to the Extension Office Older Youth Opportunities Application ...

  5. Market Steer Weigh-in

    Below is information for registering 2015 market steer projects. All market steers to be exhibited at the 2015 Muskingum County Fair must come to this steer registration day to be tagged and weighed-in, NO EXCEPTIONS. 2015 Steer Weigh-in Letter ...

  6. Ag Outlook Breakfast Meeting

    Date: Tuesday January 6, 2015 Location: Circleville Presbyterian Church, 134 E Mound St, Circleville, OH Time: 7:30am Cost: $10.00/person RSVP: Pickaway County Extension Office at 740-474-7534 By: December 29, 2014 ...

  7. Teens Awards Kick-off Night

    Reservations are required no later than Wednesday, December 3rd by 4:30 pm, call 740-474-7534 ...


    4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program conducted by 4-H teen leaders and their program partners for juvenile traffic offenders. 4-H CARTEEN sessions are the second Thursday of each month unless noted otherwise.  Teen volunteers should plan to arrive by ...


    4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program conducted by 4-H teen leaders and their program partners for juvenile traffic offenders. 4-H CARTEEN sessions are the second Thursday of each month unless noted otherwise.  Teen volunteers should plan to arrive by ...

  10. Ag Breakfast

    Speaker will be Mark Mechling, Extension Educator, Muskingum County who will discuss Ohio's new Fertilizer Applicator Certificaiton program.  ...
