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  1. Changes in Iodine Availability for Dipping Calf Navels at Birth

    Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Extension Dairy Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Wooster (top of page) Completing one of the critical steps in newborn calf care will now take a little more planning.  Having a constant supply of 7% tincture of iodine on the farm ...

  2. Results from Research Supported by the Ohio Dairy Research Fund

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University The Ohio Dairy Research Fund was developed to support research by voluntary dairy producer contributions. Since 1982, about $731,000 in producer investments have funded research ...

  3. Results of Dairy Skillathon and Dairy Judging Clinics at Ohio State Fair

    Mrs. Bonnie Ayars, Dairy Program Specialist, The Ohio State Universit y (top of page) With the 2007 Ohio State Fair now in the history books, I am pleased to report that all of our 4-H Dairy events were up in numbers. The 4-Hers, advisors, and exhibitors ...

  4. Dairy Management Workshops

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University (top of page) A Risk Management Education grant was received to offer the program "Teaching Management Skills to Dairy Producers".  This program will be conducted as a ...

  5. Dairy Policy and Market Watch

    Dr. Cameron Thraen, Milk Marketing Specialist, The Ohio State University   Market Watch For dairy farmers, the milk price has been outstanding over the past 8 months.  Will this price strength continue into 2008?  To address his question, we will consider ...

  6. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, The Ohio State University. (top of page) Who would have ever thought that $4.00/bu corn would be a bargain!  Although corn prices have reached and exceeded $4.00/bu in the past, these have always been as ...

  7. Busted: rbST Milk Myth Machine is Revealed

    Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, The Ohio State University If you believe the headlines of most major newspapers and magazines, the U.S. consumer is against the use of biotechnology in agriculture and prefers that his/her food be grown ...

  8. Tax Advantaged Retirement Planning

    Mr. Donald J. Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension at Lima (top of page) In general, people do not put enough money aside for retirement.  Furthermore, with life expectancies increasing, the nest egg required to fund a retirement has also con ...

  9. Now is the Time for Tax Planning

    Mr. Donald J. Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Lima (top of page) This time of year is a good time to do an income tax estimate.  Cash basis tax payers have the opportunity to adjust income and expenses before December 31st.  Fo ...

  10. Recommendations for Special Needs Facilities

    Mr. Gene McCluer, OSU Extension Educator, Hardin County (top of page) As dairy producers plan to build new dairy facilities, a lot of time is spent on selecting and sizing the milking parlor and cow housing. A similar amount of time is well spent in desig ...
