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Ohio Achievement Report Form Workshop
RSVP prior to 4:30 pm on November 28, 2016 by calling our office at 513-887-3722 or email: ...
Kidding Clinic
Kidding Clinic Flyer Free to BCMGA members; $10 for non-members. Lunch provided. RSVP to Jackie at ...
Ways to Build Trust
Blog Subscriptions ...
Dairy Service Unit Raffle-Mania
Bring your family and friends for a night of fun! Children are also permitted to bid. Free door prizes to be given away! Doors open at 6:15 pm to preview auction items. 100% of the proceeds to benefit Youth in Agriculture. Hope to see you there! Fl ...
On-Farm Research
Summary of 2016 On-Farm Research focused on Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water ...
Quality Assurance Program
Junior Fair exhibitors are required to attend one of the Quality Assurance programs. Junior Fair exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend: * Dairy Cattle * Feeder Calves Beef and Dairy * Market Steers/Heifers * All Goats (Pygmy, Market, ...
Quality Assurance Test-Out
QA Test-Out Information: Members may test out of attending Quality Assurance if: 1. They have attended at least two QA programs. 2. They are either 12 – 14 years old or 15 – 18 years old as of January 1st of the current year. 3. Parents are not requ ...
Quality Assurance Program
Junior Fair exhibitors are required to attend one of the Quality Assurance programs. Junior Fair exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend: * Dairy Cattle * Feeder Calves Beef and Dairy * Market Steers/Heifers * All Goats (Pygmy, Market, ...
Pesticide Recertification
Pesticide Recertification- This Program has been cancelled due to a lack of registrations Please call the OSU Extension if you have any questions. ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership
Are you a positive leader? Do you wonder how others think about your attitude as a leader? A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? Do they want to talk to you? Or do they quickly make ...