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How Do I Become a Master Gardener?
You can be a Master Gardener if: You want to learn more about plants and gardening. You are eager to participate in practical and intensive training programs. You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others. You have the time to attend training and serve you ...
Master Gardener Volunteers
The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticulture to interested Ohio residents, who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through the ...
We offer a Plant Pathology major with two specializations: Plant Microbiology, and Plant Health Management. We also offer a Plant Pathology minor, a Mycology minor (science of funig), general education and introductory courses, internships and undergrad ...
Students can pursue a BS in Agriculture with a major in Plant Pathology, and select a specialization in Plant Microbiology or Plant Health Management. Students in both majors complete a Minor and an Internship of the student's choice to enhance and p ...
Blast Off! Parenting Series
2024-25 Blast Off! A free-to-attend online parent education, in which I use Active Parenting curricula--videos and discussions to introduce information concepts that may help participants to improve their parenting. Blast Off! is three 4-session series, e ...
Shin-Yi Marzano
Shin-Yi Marzano USDA ARS Research Molecular Biologist and Adjunct Assistant Profesor USDA ARS Toledo, OH USDA ARS website: - Any ...
Schedule a Visit
EXPERIENCE OHIO STATE FOR A DAY (EOFD) VISIT For High School Juniors, Seniors and Transfer Students Experience Ohio State for a Day (EOFD) will provide you with an opportunity to engage in a personalized visit with the College of Food, Agricultural, and E ...
Lauren Elliott
Lauren Elliott Administrative Assistant 614-266-2951 201 Kottman Hall (Columbus)- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...
Experience Ohio State for a Day Evaluation
I found out about Experience Ohio State for a Day from:- None- School Counselor Science Teacher Agricultural Teacher/FFA Advisor 4-H Advisor Website E-mail Mailing Phone Call Other If you selected "Other", list how you found out about the progra ...
Tri-State Industry Conference
The Tri-State Green Industry Conference has existed in some form in the Cincinnati area for over eighty years. We started out as the Nursery, Landscape, and Ground Maintenance Seminar, and over the years we have grown and expanded to reach a wider range o ...