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  1. 2-Hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    This 2 hour fertilizer training meets the requirements for both commercial and private applicators who currently have an Ohio Pesticide License Pre-register at ...

  2. Private Pesticide Recertification

    This 3 hour pesticide recertification meets the requirements for private pesticide applicators who need recertification in Core, Grain & Cereal Crop, Forage Crop & Livestock, and Fumigation Pre-register at ...

  3. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference CTC

    Corn University, Soybean School, Cover Crops & Soil Health, Nutrient Management & Water Quality, Manure Management, Precision Fertility, Advanced Scouting Techniques, Technology and Equipment For more details and registration, go to http://fabe.os ...

  4. 3-Hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    This 3 hour fertilizer training meets the requirements for both commercial and private applicators who do not currently have an Ohio Pesticide License Pre-register at ...

  5. Farm Forum

    Make your plans now for an enjoyable evening on Monday December 7 with Greg Gabbard who does the Tradin’ Post and the Country Roads Shows on WBZI Radio in Xenia. Greg truly has the ”gift of “gabb” and will share stories from his radio experience including ...

  6. Woolly Bear Caterpillars

    At this time of the year one can often spot caterpillars scampering, or at least moving as quickly as a caterpillar can, across the hot asphalt as one walks or bikes down the road.  They can be exceptionally abundant on country roads bordered by soybean f ...

  7. Volunteering is Good for the Soul

    With fall harvest completed and fall tillage work stirring up some dust we all know the start of the holiday season is just around the corner.  Also the Liberty Center in Liberty Township held their grand opening to the pleasure of numerous shoppers recen ...

  8. Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!

    We are gearing up for several Real Money, Real World (RMRW) simulations at Butler County Schools. Our first event is only 2 weeks away! RMRW is a wonderful opportunity to share your “real world” knowledge with high school students. Students obtain an occu ...

  9. Land As Your Legacy

    This free seminar is for all landowners that are interested in learning how to best preserve the land and farm they cherish. ...

  10. OSU Extension to Host Annie’s Project

    Hamilton, Ohio-- Women in agriculture who are interested in taking a more active role in farm operations may sign up for Annie's Project, a multi-part risk-management course offered by Ohio State University Extension. The workshop is being sponsored ...
