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  1. CD Spring Unit Meeting


  2. Communiqué February 4, 2015

    Contents Important W-2 Information – Ohio State Tax Reminder OSUE Promotion Guidelines Available and Other Updates Distinguished Staff Award Nominations – due February 9 Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award Nominations – due February 9 Outreach and E ...

  3. ESV: Vamos Mas Alla

    ESTAR EN BUENA CONDICION FISICA ES DIVERTIDO Ayude a los niños para que jueguen un partido de voleibol con un globo grande(Tenga muchos globos a la mano por si acaso!) y una cinta adhesiva "roja" en el piso. Aliente a los niños para que inviten ...

  4. Leasing, Conditional Sales Agreements, and the Future of Section 179

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  5. 4-H Volunteer Conference

    The 2013 4-H Volunteer Conference and Bob Evans Farms Recognition Luncheon will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Saturday, March 9, 2013. This event is designed to bring together 4-H Volunteers from across the State of Ohio. The obj ...

  6. Farm Financial Analysis Training and Interpretation Webinars

    Ohio and Cornell are partnering on a farm business and benchmarking project this year. Cornell is focusing its efforts on beef farmers. Ohio’s priorities include crop, beef and dairy farms. To assist educators and consultants completing analyses, a series ...

  7. Farm Financial Analysis Training and Interpretation Webinars

    Ohio and Cornell are partnering on a farm business and benchmarking project this year. Cornell is focusing its efforts on beef farmers. Ohio’s priorities include crop, beef and dairy farms. To assist educators and consultants completing analyses, a series ...

  8. Farm Financial Analysis Training and Interpretation Webinars

    Ohio and Cornell are partnering on a farm business and benchmarking project this year. Cornell is focusing its efforts on beef farmers. Ohio’s priorities include crop, beef and dairy farms. To assist educators and consultants completing analyses, a series ...

  9. Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

    For: 4-H volunteers, youth ages 13 and older 4-H PetPALS (People and Animals Linking Successfully) is an intergenerational 4-H project connecting youth and their pets with senior adults in various types of healthcare facilities. The core curriculum relies ...

  10. Federal Court Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging ODA and Ohio EPA Livestock Permitting

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