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  1. Camp Counselor Meeting


  2. Livestock Judging Team 2012 Roundup

    The latest version of the Buckeye Stock Report and a Donor Information Sheet are now available. ...

  3. Camp Counselor Meeting


  4. MGVs Host Phone Club

    Listen to WFIN 1330 AM on the radio as Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteers Ruth Furiate and Pat Flinn field questions from listeners. ...

  5. NIFA Animal Programs

    USDA NIFA is making it easier to follow happenings in its animal programs. Visit to see all the Programs related to animals under the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. ...

  6. Buckeye Dairy Club Officers 2015-2016

    The Buckeye Dairy Club recently elected new officers for the 2015-2016 academic year.   ...

  7. Ongoing Training at OSU

    A number of places across campus regularly hold training sessions and workshops on teaching, research, grants, writing, etc. ...

  8. Towers Blood Drive

    The annual Towers Blood Drive will be held April 1  from 10:00am to 4:00pm in the Ag Admin auditorium. Click here to register and help save a life! ...

  9. Ireland Study Abroad Apps Due Wednesday!

    The application for the Ireland: Human and Animal Interactions Study Abroad are due Wednesday by 11:59pm.  This is a once in a college career opportunity to see both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland with a focus on animals. Counting the credit ...

  10. March 30, 2015

    Welcome to the new format for the Animal Science Student Newsletter.  The newsletter is now based out of the Department of Animal Sciences web site, and current issue and archives can be accessed at any time under Undergraduates/Student Newsletter.  Thank ...
