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Search results

  1. What’s Limiting Soybean Yield in Ohio?

    2013, 2014, and 2015, with funding from Ohio Soybean Council and help from county extension educators, we measured soybean yield limiting factors on 199 farms across the state. Data collected included management practices (i.e., crop rotation, variety, ro ...

  2. Last Chance to Register for PlanterU: Be Prepared for Spring Planting

    Planting remains a crucial field operation establishing maximum yield potential.  Mistakes or poor planter performance can reduce yield potential.  Variables such as seed spacing, seeding depth and optimizing seedbed preparation for proper soil-to-seed co ...

  3. CSW Connection Recordings

    Utilizing Precision Data to Guide Management Decisions on The Farm Length: 1:00 (originally presented January 24, 2017) Speakers Dr. Elizabeth Hawkins (OSU Field Specialist) on Making Data-Driven Planting Prescriptions. Dr. John Fulton (OSU FABE) explores ...

  4. Planter University

    Register NOW for Planter University! Planter University is focused on getting your planting operation tuned for the upcoming season.  This event will be held on February 28th, 2017 at Beck's Hybrids near London, Ohio and represents an great opportuni ...

  5. 2017 Northeast Ohio Winter Agronomy School

    Join OSU Extension as we host our annual Agronomy School for crop farmers in Northeast Ohio. With profit margins decreasing it will be vital for crop producers to get the biggest bang from the dollars they invest in land rental, seed and fertilizer, techn ...

  6. Handy Bt Trait Table for U.S. corn production updated for 2017

    Most corn hybrids planted in the U.S. contain one or more transgenic traits for weed or insect management.  There are many different available traits, which can sometimes cause confusion about a hybrid’s spectrum of control or refuge requirements. The Han ...

  7. Winter Application of Manure

     Given the warmer than normal winter and large amounts of rainfall received in areas, some livestock producers will be looking to apply manure in February when farm fields are frozen enough to support application equipment. Permitted farms are not allowed ...

  8. February 28th Precision Planting Event – Register Now!

    OSU Extension will host a Planter University on February 28 th, 2017 at Beck’s Hybrids in London, Ohio. This event will focus on utilizing precision planting technology to optimize yield through controlled planting and data management to promote profitabl ...

  9. Take the Next Step: Conservation Tillage Conference

    So you think you are ready to make an effort to improve soil health?  Wondering how to produce corn in the most profitable and environmentally safe way?  Do you want to know how to fit cover crops into your operation?  Maybe you are looking for ways to ap ...

  10. CARTeens

