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  1. Fraud- What to Watch For!

    Hancock Saves is hosting two community workshops to help you be aware. Identify Theft- Be Aware on October 1, 6 p.m. at The University of Findlay Alumni Memorial Union Fraud- What to Watch For on October 6, 2 p.m. at Brown Mackie College Link to a promoti ...

  2. All You Want to Know about Hard Shell Gourds

    OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer William Lanning has served as a national officer and accredited gourd judge for the Ohio and American Gourd Society. He will be the presenter for this program which will cover the raising, curing, and crafting of ha ...

  3. Ohio Beef School Webinar 3 of 3

    Focus on the 'End Product'- with Dr. Lyda Garcia, Assistant Professor Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University, Columbus. This is the final session of the 3-part series. No fee!  Attend the entire series or individual sessions. Link to a pro ...

  4. Ohio Beef School Webinar 2 of 3

    Focus of the February 2nd session- Back to the Basics Featuring the members of OSU Extension's Beef Team as they address a variety of profit-centered management concepts. Three-part webinar series to be held Tuesdays: January 19, Feb. 2 & 16 at s ...

  5. 2016 Ohio Beef School Webinar 1 of 3

    This session will be 'Focused on the Markets' with featured speakers Dr. Derrell Peel, Economist from Oklahoma State, and Sam Roberts from United Producers Other sessions in the series are: Feb. 2- 'Back to Basics'- featuring members o ...

  6. Office Closed- Hancock County Fair

    Come to the Hancock County Fair!  Our staff has displays in the ag tent, youth, and grange buildings. We also are involved with daily activities in the youth and grange buildings. Master Gardener Volunteers have a large display at the front of the grange ...

  7. Cover Crop Spring Strategies Field Day *Minor* Location Change

    The Cover Crop Spring Strategies Field Day scheduled for Wednesday, April 22nd will be held at the St. Marys Township House, 10752 SR 364, southwest of St. Marys, OH.  This is less than 1/8th of a mile north of the field itself, but will allow for *inside ...

  8. Pathways Project

    To help us better understand how different audiences receive and utilize manure nutrient management information, some colleagues of ours have created the Pathways Project survey. This is an important step in identifying where the gaps are in disseminating ...

  9. Cover Crop Strategies Field Day

    The Cover Crop Strategies Field Day sponsored by OSU Extension of Shelby, Mercer, and Auglaize Counties and VanTilburg Farms has been rescheduled to Wednesday, April 22nd.  This follow-up to last fall’s field day will allow us to see what’s happened *belo ...

  10. Cover Crop Strategies Field Day on Tuesday, April 7th

    There is a Cover Crop Strategies Field Day on Tuesday, April 7th. This is a follow-up to a field day held last fall when the cover crops were green and growing. This spring the focus is on what’s been happening “below” the soil surface!! Some of the speci ...
