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New Law Bulletin: Continuous Release Reporting of Air Emissions for Livestock Farms
A new rule requiring livestock farms to report air emissions that exceed a reportable amount under CERCLA has been delayed by the court until January 22, 2018. Our new law bulletin helps livestock farms determine whether they are subject to the new requi ...
Campus Closing Information
Classes canceled or delayed due to severe weather or emergency situations will be announced on the following radio and television stations. Many of these offer through their websites the ability to sign up for e-mail and / or text message notifications ...
Seth Walker
Seth Walker Public Safety Manager 1727 Williams Road, Police Station, Wooster, Ohio 44691 (330) 263-3665 ...
Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Programs
Fertilizer applicators who received certification are on a 3-year renewal cycle similar to the pesticide license applicator program. Those applicators who received certification during the fall of 2014 or winter of 2015 need to attend fertilizer recertif ...
Ohio EPA sues Rover Pipeline for polluting state waters
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The College of Wooster
The College of Wooster wanted to create a formal program to help selected College employees to hone their leadership skills. After meeting with the VP Finance and Director of HR, we suggested a plan for a year of personal and professional growth, where p ...
Ag & Food Law Consortium Offers Webinar on Estate Planning Basics
What can farm owners and operators do to prepare for the estate planning process? A free webinar on November 15 at noon EST will cover steps to take before meeting with an attorney for estate planning, such as setting goals and compiling necessary inform ...
Jeffery Strouse
Jeffery Strouse Maintenance Superintendent 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-1362 ...
Chad Stanton
Chad Stanton Police Seargent 1727 Williams Road, Police Station, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-0111 ...
Casey Meek
Casey Meek Beef/Sheep Herd Manager 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-698-5021 Beef Facility ...