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  1. Urban Agriculture Magazine Survey

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Brings Agriculture to the Cities

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  3. Dr. Logan Minter

    Dr. Logan Minter Statewide Field Specialist/ Associate Professor, Extension in Specialty Crops Room 136 Research and Extension Bldg. The Ohio State University South Centers, Piketon Dr. Logan Minter grew up in rural Pike County, Ohio and ...

  4. Policy Brief: The Time Is Ripe to Support Urban Agriculture

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. Become a Volunteer / Advisor

    Volunteers help make 4-H possible and are an essential part of the overall program. More than 300,000 youth and adult volunteers participate in the Ohio 4-H program each year. 4-H volunteers have the opportunity to contribute their time, energies, talents ...

  6. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    If your credit score is less than 640 and/or any of the following apply to you, we recommend registering for our free Money Management workshop. If your credit score is greater than 640, we recommend registering for  Home Buyer Education. Don't know ...

  7. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    If your credit score is less than 640 and/or any of the following apply to you, we recommend registering for our free Money Management workshop. If your credit score is greater than 640, we recommend registering for  Home Buyer Education. Don't know ...

  8. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    If your credit score is less than 640 and/or any of the following apply to you, we recommend registering for our free Money Management workshop. If your credit score is greater than 640, we recommend registering for  Home Buyer Education. Don't know ...

  9. Home Buyer Education Virtual Workshop

    If your credit score is 640 or greater and one of the following apply to you, we recommend registering for Home Buyer Education. If you don't meet the recommended criteria for Home Buyer Education, we recommend registering for  Money Management.  Rea ...

  10. 2022 IMPLAN Reports

    2022 IMPLAN Reports 2022 Ohio Agricultural Industry Contribution Analysis Reports for all counties The following economic overview reports were prepared in October 2022 Area 1:  Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Area 2:  Lucas and Wood  Area ...
