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  1. Lee Beers

    Lee Beers Courtesy Assistant Professor and Asst. Professor OSU Extension Trumbull County Ohio MS Botany and Plant Pathology, University of Maine BS Biology, Penn State University Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources Certi ...

  2. Stephanie Karhoff

    Stephanie Karhoff Courtesy Assistant Professor and Asst. Professor, OSU Extension Ph.D. Translational Plant Sciences, The Ohio State University B.S. Agriculture Sustainable Plant Systems major, Plant Pathology minor, The Ohio State Univ ...

  3. Taylor Klass

    Taylor Klass USDA NIFA PhD Fellow, Presidential Fellow (Jacobs and Miller) University Fellowship 2018-2019 Kottman Hall, Columbus BS Agriculture, Animal Science and Sustainable Plant Systems-Agronomy, Honors Research Distincti ...

  4. Minors

    CFAES Minors CFAES requires undergraduate students to declare a minor (or minor equivalent in specific programs). A minor expands your studies, adds areas of specialization, and allows students to explore additional professional interests. Our students of ...

  5. Allen County 4-H Camp

    4-H Camp  2025 Camp Dates are June 24th to June 28th. Please check back for registration dates and forms. What is 4-H Camp? It's youth challenging themselves on a high ropes course, braiding a friendship bracelet, swimming in a lake, learning a line ...

  6. Ye Xia

    Ye Xia Publications Publication list (*corresponding author) Piao Yang, Liu Wenshan, Yuan Pu, Zhenzhen Zhao, Chunquan Zhang, Stephen Obol Opiyo, Ashna Adhikari, Lijing Zhao, Garrett Harsh, and * Ye Xia (2023). Plant Growth Promotion and Stress Tolerance E ...

  7. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly Greenhouse Coordinator 614-247-4796 141A Kottman Hall, Columbus MS Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University BS Biology, The Ohio State University- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Po ...

  8. Junping Han

    Junping Han Research Assistant 1-B/H (Qu Lab) 26 Selby Hall, Wooster- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  9. Timothy Frey

    Timothy Frey 2024. Frey, TS; Huo, DW; Lopez, MM; Ritter, B; Lindsey, LE; Ponce, MSB. Fungal Communities Associated with Corn in a Diverse Long-Term Crop Rotation in Ohio. Phytorontiers  4: 183-15. 2023. Bernardo P; Barriball K; Frey TS; Meulia T; Wangai A ...

  10. Lee Wilson

    Lee Wilson Research Associate 1 (330) 202-3555, ext. 2865 Selby Hall, Wooster Responsibilities My responsibilities include, but are not limited to, assisting in the development and implementation of disease control for fruit crops in Ohi ...
