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Search results

  1. UniPrint Ordering

    The Uniprint ordering system does not communicate with Workday. You will need to simultaneously place the order through UniPrint and create the Requisition. It is helpful to have both UniPrint and Workday in two separate windows to complete this process. ...

  2. CARTEENS Class

    Check in from 6PM- 6:29PM. Class starts promptly at 6:30PM. Those not checked in and seated before 6:30PM will be counted as absent and will not receive any court attendance credit. The youth and parent/guardian must be present to check-in.  Participants ...

  3. CES Awards and Recognition

    Recognition “Recognition by peers is a powerful tool and is a great motivator that enhances job performance.”-- Dr. J. Michael Sprott, Past Extension Director CES believes that all staff benefit from recognition, especially monetary rewards for service an ...

  4. CES Extension Support Staff Excellence Award

    In 2007, Chi Epsilon Sigma, in partnership with Extension Administration developed the Staff Excellence in Extension Award for support staff to recognize an individual who exemplifies the knowledge, skills and commitment to service this award demands. The ...

  5. CES Distinguished Service Awards

    NEW in 2022! GOAL: Annual recognition of staff members in each career category who excels in all aspects of job performance. CRITERIA: Exceptional support staff service to Ohio State University Extension or Central State University Extension. ELIGIBILITY: ...

  6. Xero – Local Checking Account Software

    Xero – Local Checking Account Software All Extension offices with local checking accounts have transitioned their bookkeeping to a single cloud-based software platform called Xero.  Benefits of Xero: Creates consistency of local accounting practices acros ...

  7. CES Dorothy Rex Inspirational Award

    This award is given in honor of one of our founding members- Dorothy Rex.  Dorothy was the first president of CES in Ohio (1986-89) and was instrumental in laying the foundation of Chi Epsilon Sigma, the first Extension support staff organization nationwi ...

  8. Creative Works & Scholarships Via OJCEP

    CES Members Earn Awards and Scholarships Congratulations to the following: 2019 Kay Kramer Union County OJCEP Professional Development Scholarship Help on travel expenses to College Station, Texas, for Fair Entry Conference 2019 Missy Koenig Fairfield Cou ...

  9. CES Educational and Leadership Opportunities

    Provide Educational and Leadership Opportunities Professional Development Prior to the Extension Annual Conferences we enjoy today, CES worked with Extension Administration to provide support staff conferences every October in conjunction with the fratern ...

  10. Gaston receives NAESPDP National Award

    Michelle Gaston, program coordinator for OSU Extension strategic initiatives and urban engagement, recently received an award for excellence in Extension staff development from NAEPSDP. ...
