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  1. Facilities

    Facilities Basic Feedlot Design Cattle Handling and Working Facilities pdf ...

  2. Waste Management

    Waste Management Guidelines for Livestock Producers-Animal Waste and the Environment ...

  3. Reproduction/Genetics

    Reproduction/Genetics Application of the CIDR-B to Estrus Synchronization in Beef Cattle pdf Breeds of Livestock, Oklahoma State University Breeding Considerations in Today's Beef Industry, (recorded webinar, allow time to download) 2013 Ohio Beef Sc ...

  4. Annie Specht Joins ACEL

    ACEL is pleased that Dr. Annie Specht will be “coming home” to Ohio and joining the Department on August 15, 2014 as an assistant professor in the agricultural communication program. Dr. Specht grew up in Dover, Ohio and was named a 2008 Top 20 Senior in ...

  5. Beef Skill-A-Thon and Interview Rules

    Beef Exhibitors: This year the beef department has provided a detailed summary of the Skill-A-Thon and Interview process.  This link provides information about general information, rules, possible areas that will be covered, and information on awards. As ...

  6. Team Members

    Name Expertise Stephen Boyles OSU Animal Science (614) 292-7669 E-mail Steven Reproduction Nutrition Feedlot Cow-Calf Management Stocker Cattle Mike Davis OSU Animal Science 614) 292-4984 E-mail Mike Genetics Mike Estadt OSU Extension- Pickaway Co. (740) ...

  7. Volume 14 Issue 2


  8. Beef Library

    Beef Library Facilities Forages/Grazing Health Herd Management Marketing & Selling Nutrition Organizations & Associations Publications and Resources Reproduction and Genetics Waste Management Information Drought Resources ...

  9. Hardin County Fair


  10. Jr Fair Booth Building Layout

    The layout of the booth building is complete. Clubs can find their location by clicking here and viewing the map. The number behind the group's name indicates the size of booth requested. The far right hand wall has been saved for the displaying of l ...
