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  1. Home


  2. Donor Honor Roll & Memorials and Tributes

      The Ohio 4-H Foundation is deeply grateful for the generosity of our many individual and corporate donors.  Your commitment to Ohio 4-H Youth Development provides the means by which we build leadership, citizenship, character and life skills in Ohio’s y ...

  3. Graduates


  4. weaver 7th grade baseball game

      View Larger Map ...

  5. FST Seminar Spring Seminar Series

    Kamran Shavezupir, research scientist at FABE, to present "Collaborating with food science ...

  6. 2009 Award Winners

    Hall of Fame Honorees       The winners of the 2009 Ohio 4-H awards were announced at the annual Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high resolution images and captions for newsletters and ...

  7. 2010 Award Winners

      Hall of Fame Honorees     The winners of the 2010 Ohio 4-H awards were announced at the annual Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high resolution images and captions for newsletters and ...

  8. 2007 Award Winners

    Hall of Fame Honorees    The winners of the 2007 Ohio 4-H awards were announced at the annual Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high resolution images and captions for newsletters and new ...

  9. 2008 Award Winners

    Hall of Fame Honorees    The winners of the 2008 Ohio 4-H awards were announced at the annual Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high resolution images and captions for newsletters and new ...

  10. State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest- Ohio Expo Center, Columbus

