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CFAES Banquet
Seminar, Chun Liang, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Miami University, Ohio
244 Kottman (Columbus) and 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...
2013 "Perfect Season" Judging Camp
Title: 2013 "Perfect Season" Judging Camp Location: OSU Description: High School and 4-H Eligible Advance Judgers. Start Date: 2013-06-17 Start Time: 10:00 End Date: 2013-06-19 End Time: 15:00 High School and 4-H Eligible Advance Judgers. Click ...
OSU Junior Judging Days
Title: OSU Junior Judging Days Location: OSU Sheep Barns Description: Open to anyone involved with competitive livestock judging. Start Time: 9:30 Date: 2013-05-18 End Time: 16:00 Open to anyone involved with competitive livestock judging. Click here for ...
OSU Junior Judging Days
Title: OSU Junior Judging Days Location: OSU Sheep Barns Description: Open to anyone involved with competitive livestock judging. Start Time: 9:30 Date: 2013-05-11 End Time: 16:00 Open to anyone involved with competitive livestock judging. Click here for ...
Seminar: Patrick Sherwood, PhD candidate, Plant Pathology (P. Bonello, advisor)
Investigation of the Growth-Differentiation Balance and Systemic Induced Resistance Hypotheses in Austrian Pine. 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolinked to 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...
PhD Exit Seminar: Fiorella Cisneros (Redinbaugh and Qu, co-advisors)
Maize fine streak virus (MFSV) Gene Expression and Protein Interaction. 203 Selby (Wooster) videolinked to 201C Kottman (Columbus) ...
2012 Total records: 7007 Total hours (volunteer and advanced training): 27,658.6 Total volunteer records: 5527 Total volunteer hours: 21,128.3 Total advanced training records: 1,480 Total advanced training hours: 6,530.3 Total volunteers reporting: 358 T ...
2007-2009 Archive
2009 OARDC Annual Conferece, 2009 Annemarie Nagle, first place, MS Graduate Student Poster Competition "Potential association of Phytophthora cinnamomi with white oak decline in southern Ohio." Advisor: Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello. Plant Pathol ...
Waller Memorial Lecture, Jim Carrington, Danforth Ctr
RNA Silencing Mechanisms and Interactions in Plants, 001 Jennings Hall, Columbus. Hosted by Molecular Genetics graduate students > pdf flyer ...