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Search results

  1. Farm Financial Analysis Training and Interpretation Webinars

    Ohio and Cornell are partnering on a farm business and benchmarking project this year. Cornell is focusing its efforts on beef farmers. Ohio’s priorities include crop, beef and dairy farms. To assist educators and consultants completing analyses, a series ...

  2. Farm Financial Analysis Training and Interpretation Webinars

    Ohio and Cornell are partnering on a farm business and benchmarking project this year. Cornell is focusing its efforts on beef farmers. Ohio’s priorities include crop, beef and dairy farms. To assist educators and consultants completing analyses, a series ...

  3. Dairy Association Meeting


  4. 2015 Master Gardener Volunteer Training

    The Master Gardener Program provides intensive training in horticulture to interested gardeners who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through their local Ohio State University Extension county ...

  5. Dairy Association Meeting- Canceled Today Due To Weather. Rescheduled for February 9th at 12 Noon


  6. Agricultural and Natural Resource- Leasing Workshop

    Hold the date! The workshop will be held from 9:00 to Noon in the Adult Education Building at the Greene County Career Center. There is no cost if registered by Monday, Feb. 16th, after that there is a 10.00 fee. ...

  7. CARTeens


  8. Junior Leaders Meeting


  9. Senior Fair Board Meeting


  10. Morrow County Horse & Pony Meeting

