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  1. Tri-state Yield Monitor Workshop

    A Yield Monitor Data Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday August 25 th  and Wednesday the 26 th  in Auburn, Indiana. Steve Miller (MSU) has been coordinating this event- see attached flyer.  This two-day program features John Fulton, Ohio State University Pr ...

  2. Pricing Corn Silage Update (August 2015)

    1. Estimate grain yield using the Thomison (2013) method (see link below) or other approach. 2. On average, in the lower Midwest, you get about 1 ton of corn silage (35% dry matter (DM)) per 7.5 to 8 bushels of corn.  Therefore, if the estimated grain yie ...

  3. Supplemental Forage Options for Late Summer to Early Autumn Planting

    This has obviously been a difficult year for mechanically harvested forages. Not only has it been nearly impossible to harvest dry forage, but reports are becoming more numerous of damaged forage stands due to the excessive rainfall we've experienced ...

  4. 2015-22


  5. 2015-21


  6. Pesticide Application Recertification NO Technology Session. No PowerPoint, NO Videos, etc.

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Wayne County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers your ...

  7. Fertilizer Application Certification Training

    **Fertilizer Application Certification is a new 2 hour training for current holders of a Pesticide Applicator License. Not everyone will need this training. If attending, packing your own lunch is recommended due to time constraints. *Please call the Wayn ...

  8. 2015-20


  9. Pesticide Application Recertification

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Wayne County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers your ...

  10. Pesticide Application Recertification

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Holmes County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers you ...
