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Search results

  1. New 4-H Family

    Thank you for following instructions and attempting to complete a New 4-H Family Request as the first step in your 4-H enrollment process. At this time, we're asking you to handle this a little differently- please review the  New Family Enrollment Gu ...

  2. PAS Show Bill

    The Muskingum County PAS Showbill will be available at this link once finalized.  ...

  3. Change Style Preference: Strengthening Your Capacity to Lead Self & Others online

    What is your change style preference? Would you be an originator? A conserver? Or would you find yourself in the pragmatist category? Which category would my team members fall? Does it matter? Yes it does...knowing our tendencies and understanding their r ...

  4. Continuing Education for OCVN's

    Being a Naturalist in the 21st Century: Perspectives from the Field Panelists Susan Leopold PhD (Ethnobotonist, United Plant Savers), Nancy Stranahan (Director of the Arc of Appalachia Preserve System), Nicole Jackson (Environmental Educator), and Rick Ga ...

  5. People

    Jenny Cox AgOne, Director ...

  6. AgOne Home

      "AgOne is designed to transform individuals in the Ohio agriculture industry through leadership and boardsmanship training and one-on-one coaching to strive for the next level of leadership."   Purpose The Ohio State University Department of A ...

  7. Jefferson and Harrison County OCVNs Receive Their Certificates

    The newest OCVN course just wrapped up Sept. 14 in Jefferson and Harrison counties.  This exciting course in Eastern Ohio featured  unique natural habitats along the Ohio river and explored both natural and cultural history.  The course led by OSU Extensi ...

  8. Jefferson and Harrison county OCVNs receive certificates

    The newest OCVN course just wrapped up Sept. 14 in Jefferson and Harrison counties.  This exciting course in Eastern Ohio featured  unique natural habitats along the Ohio river and explored both natural and cultural history.  The course led by OSU Extensi ...

  9. Problem-Solving, Teamwork and Creativity for Success online

    Teamwork can be hard! Have you ever been frustrated with a team member and how they approach a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others can’t even “see the box”? The Kirton Adaption-Innovation In ...

  10. Communication and Conflict Management online

    Conflict is a part of our daily lives at work or at home. How we manage conflict has a direct impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our respective teams or units. Effectively dealing with and usi ...
