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  1. Pruning School

    Download PDF copies of pruning presentations: Apple Tree Pruning Peach Tree Pruning Grapevine Pruning Raspberry Pruning Pruning Demonstration Videos     ...

  2. New 4-H Family

    Thank you for following instructions and attempting to complete a New 4-H Family Request as the first step in your 4-H enrollment process. At this time, we're asking you to handle this a little differently- please review the  New Family Enrollment Gu ...

  3. Online Fruit Pruning School

    Join us for a two-part, online workshop to learn proper pruning techniques to improve production and quality in your fruit tree and small fruit plantings. You will be online with Ohio State University experts, who will give live presentations and conduct ...

  4. High Tunnel Workshop

    Come join us for an informative workshop focused on high tunnel production, featuring information to benefit commercial growers, beginning farmers, and educators, among others. A lunch and light refreshments throughout the day are included with your regis ...

  5. PAS Show Bill

    The Muskingum County PAS Showbill will be available at this link once finalized.  ...

  6. Money To Grow

    Securing Grants and Loans for Your Food or Farm Business February 29, 2024 Do you have a specific project you are looking to carry out to help grow your existing farm/food business? Learn all about grant and loan programs and where to find them, network w ...

  7. Epigenetics

    Mounting evidence from epigenetic research in humans and animals has demonstrated that epigenetics plays a complementary role to genetics, touching many aspects of biological processes such as reproduction, early development, disease, growth, and nutritio ...

  8. Sustainable Aquaponics

    One of the biggest challenges for the commercial aquaponics industry is its profitability, with most businesses producing tilapia. The low-value, high-energy cost, and competition from imports have hindered profitability of the tilapia-based system. This ...

  9. Striped bass

    Research on breeding, genetics, culture, and feed requirements of striped bass have been established and the industry shows great potential if the following barriers are addressed: successful intensive larval rearing and year-round juvenile production cap ...

  10. Student Cooperative Start-up Toolkit

      A student-led cooperative, where young people in an agricultural class, 4-H club, FFA chapter, or other group, operate an enterprise using cooperative principles, may be an opportunity to teach young people entrepreneurial skills and the unique aspects ...
