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Search results

  1. EPN Presents Cleaning Up America's Rivers

    EPN and American Electric Power welcome Chad Pregracke, President and Founder of Living Lands and Waters, and CNN's Hero of the Year 2013, who will present Cleaning Up America's Rivers. This event will be held in the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bur ...

  2. FCS Sewing Workshop- CANCELLED will be rescheduled

    FCS Sewing Workshop- Sewing Placemats & Hot Pads- at the Ashland County Extension Office from 1- 4 pm on Saturday, February 21. Cost is $5.00 each- pay at check-in. Space may be limited. Please pre-register by 4 pm, Thursday, February 19 by calling 41 ...

  3. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Brian Gratwicke, Research Scientist, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Center for Species Survival, who will present Captive Breeding Programs to Mitigate Chytridiomycosis-related Extinctions: Lessons from Panama. ...

  4. OAA Workshop Presentations 2013

    OAA Workshop Presentations We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all of the presenters at the 2013 Ohio Aquaculture Association's Annual Workshop for sharing their expertise with the industry. Their presentations are below for you to v ...

  5. Climate Change: A Threat to the Waning of War

    The Mershon Center for International Security Studies welcomes Nils Petter Gleditsch, research professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and professor emeritus at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. He will present ...

  6. EERA Volunteer Conference


  7. Livestock Sale Committee


  8. 4-H Goat Committee Meeting


  9. Baby Beef Bowling


  10. 4-H Achievement Awards Due to Extension Office

