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  1. Research from Cameron Thraen, AEDE Associate Professor, and John Newton, AEDE PhD Student, Referenced in Hoard’s Dairyman Article


  2. Tuned In, or Tuned Out: How is Technology Affecting Your Family?

    Laptops, iPads, iPods, smart phones and other technological gadgets seem to be taking over our pockets and purses with no end in sight.  Technology is everywhere!  According to a 2005 survey, most Americans, including children, spend at least nine hours a ...

  3. Master Gardener Volunteer Annual Spring Plant Sale

    Plant sale starts at 10:00 am and lasts until plants are sold out!  All plants are carefully transplanted by Master Gardeners from their own gardens!  New and gently used garden tools and decor will also be available. Master Gardener Volunteer Annual Plan ...

  4. Partridge and Faggian Present at the European Regional Science Association’s 52nd European Congress


  5. Pickaway Co 4-H Horse Clinic

    Do you want to be better prepared for fair? Are you ready to participate in the new Ranch Pleasure, Small Equine Jumper in Hand or the Small Equine Hunter classes? Would you like the chance for your horse to get time in the arena prior to fair? Sessions I ...

  6. PAS Horse Show

    Fairfiled County PAS- Registration DUE JUNE 1 ...

  7. PAS Horse Show

    Fairfield County PAS Registration DUE JUNE 1 ...

  8. Vickner and Colleagues Awarded a USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Grant for Work on Sustainable Management of Grape Root Borer in Commercial Vineyards


  9. Vickner to Speak at the 2012 Ohio Grape Twilight Tour on Thursday, August 23, 2012


  10. OSUE Volunteer Appreciation Reception and Open House

    Invitation ...
