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  1. The Age of Sustainable Development

    Ohio State’s inaugural Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer will be Jeffrey Sachs, director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, professor of health policy and management at Columbia University, and author of The Price of ...

  2. Jill Byers returns to Ohio State ATI

    A familiar face to anyone who was at Ohio State ATI between 1994 and 2006 has returned. Jill Byers, who served as coordinator of admissions during those 12 years, is once again on the admissions staff, this time in the role of admissions counselor. A Loud ...

  3. Heifer International Lunch

    All proceeds benefit Heifer International to help purchase an animal for a family in need. ...

  4. Seminar: Common Nutritional Imbalances in Zoo Feeding Programs

    Speaker: Dr. Ellen Dierenfeld Location: Veterinary Medical Center Auditorium ...

  5. The Ohio State University Saddle and Sirloin Judging Contest

    OSU Don Scott Facilities. ...

  6. Exit Seminar: Shirron LeShure

    "Use of Naturally Occurring Anthelmintics to Control Parasites in Small Ruminants" ...

  7. OSU College of Veterinary Medicine Annual Open House

    Register to attend at the Open House webpage. ...

  8. Dairy Program Reception

    The Department of Animal Sciences and the Buckeye Dairy Club invite you to a Dairy Program Reception on Saturday, March 22. ...

  9. Faculty member's book explores bratwurst, buckeyes and more

    Nathan Crook, assistant professor and coordinator of Oho State ATI's agricultural education program, has written a book about the food traditions of northwest Ohio entitled A Culinary History of the Great Black Swamp. The cultural and physical landsc ...

  10. Little International (Little I)

    Don Scott farm, Sawmill 8:00am Horse Showmanship Begins (29 & 40) 69 8:00am Swine Showmanship Begins (15 & 12) 27 9:30am Sheep Showmanship Begins (9 & 12) 21 10:30am Cattle Showmanship Begins (9 & 24) 33 11:30am Guy/Gal Lead Begins (1 & ...
