Solid Samples (Soil and soil blends, biologicals)


Total Elemental Analysis                  

Analysis Method (Click the method to view the SOP)
As, Cd, and Pb X-ray fluorescence screen (soil and inorganic only) N/A
Acid digestion+ ICP (soil or biological tissue) USEPA 3051a

Carbon and Nitrogen

Analysis Method (Click the method to view the SOP)
Total carbon and nitrogen Dry combustion
Active carbon Potassium permanganate oxidation + colorimetric analysis
Total carbon    Loss on Ignition
Inorganic C Calcimeter
Soil respiration 24-hour CO2 burst
Soil protein Autoclaved citrate extractable protein

Heavy Metal availability

Analysis Method (Click the method to view the SOP)
Human gastrointestinal bioaccessible Pb: Untreated soil USEPA 1340 + ICP
Human gastrointestinal bioaccessible Pb: Treated soil Modified USEPA 1340 at pH 2.5 + ICP
OSU In Vitro Gastrointestinal method (OSU IVG) + ICP
Mammal, avian gastrointestinal bioaccessible Pb Modified USEPA 1340 at pH 2.5 + ICP
OSU In Vitro Gastrointestinal method (OSU IVG) + ICP
Human gastrointestinal bioaccessible As USEPA 1340 + ICP
OSU In Vitro Gastrointestinal method (OSU IVG) + ICP
Human gastrointestinal bioaccessible As, high Fe soils California Arsenic Bioaccessibility method (CAB) + ICP